Monday, May 16, 2011

Phase III: Reflection Experience (Emily)

I read over Phase I and Phase II I realized that for some reason, we skipped a lot of the activities.

I did not go into teacher mode, but rather I explained the assignment.
When planning the assignment, I would have liked to be more involved with the lesson plan. My partner and I took parts of the lesson planning/evaluation and molded it to fit the other's input, but I wish I had been more involved in the planning and writing of the assignment.

I thought that our assessments for self evaluation and the students presenting on their own PowerPoint to be helpful, and I personally did not like the rubric. I find rubrics to be too much of a “put the student in a box” mentality. If I use a rubric in the future, I will be sure to personalize it as much as possible. I would have liked my assessment to be done based on my own grading and my own understanding of each individual students. Next time I will use assessments that better fit the individual students instead.

Next time, I will also need to be more involved and be more present for my students. I will walk around the classroom, and really get involved with my students. I think the lesson plan was great, and the assessments were wonderful. I just should have been more involved with my students and should have been more interactive in my teaching. Overall, I felt the lesson plan was beneficial to students.

I want to make the best of technology use in my classroom, and I will be sure to make investing in technology a priority. I want my students to be as well trained in the area of technology. I will use it as much as I possibly can in my classroom, and I will train my students to the best of the availability of technology.


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